30 November 2011

What’s coming up in Discover Leadership?

Here is a list (in no particular order) of some of the things I am looking forward to sharing with you going forward . . . .

ü  What I wish I had known when I was just starting out in leadership
ü  Being an agent of change
ü  Dealing with the difficult team member
ü  Managing yourself
ü  An emergency plan for saving time when you are ultra-busy
ü  Spiritual self-nurture
ü  Recruiting and keeping volunteers
ü  Never say “No” – Well, only on very rare occasions!
ü  Problem solving
ü  Assertion
ü  Brainstorming
ü  Managing your boss
ü  Overcoming resistance to change
ü  Keeping other accountable
ü  Dealing with complaints
ü  Making all your conversations intentional
ü  How to handle criticism
ü  How to give criticism
ü  Rewarding good performance
ü  Nurturing talent
ü  Managing stress
ü  Public speaking
ü  Conducting meetings
ü  What makes people follow?
ü  What are the characteristics of a good leader? (There will be many posts on this)
ü  Developing vision
ü  How to communicate vision
ü  Implementing vision
ü  Team participation styles
ü  Management styles
ü  The Hawthorne Effect
ü  Theory X and Theory Y
ü  Incremental “selling”
ü  Motivating yourself
ü  Motivating others
ü  What is success in ministry?
ü  The importance of firm boundaries
ü  Creating an emotionally safe working environment for your team
ü  Communication doesn’t always happen when you preach
ü  Communication can always happen when you preach
ü  Training others
ü  Selecting your “inner circle”
ü  Consistency over the long haul
ü  The self-discipline of the leader – emotions
ü  The self-discipline of the leader – possessions
ü  The self-discipline of the leader – recognition
ü  The self-discipline of the leader – accomplishment
ü  The self-discipline of the leader – ideas
ü  The self-discipline of the leader – relationships
ü  Start learning about governance now – you might be a TC one day!
ü  Apples and oranges
ü  And more . . . .

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