09 December 2012

What's so different about Impact?

 Many consulting companies claim to have solutions for NGOs and business, so why has The Salvation Army in Taiwan partnered with Impact

Impact is a newly formed “profit for purpose” business dedicated to enhancing the effectiveness, health and capacity of NGOs in Taiwan.   Impact’s Director, Steve Parker, says, “There is a lot of pressure on the not-for-profit sector to be increasingly smarter, efficient and more accountable.  There is a need for development and I believe that Impact can play a significant part in that.” 

As a primary partner of the Taiwan branch of one of the world’s leading NGOs (The Salvation Army) Impact has to capacity to leverage skills and competencies from around the NGO world.  Using these resources, as well as those of its own in-house team, Impact offers NGOs skills development assistance so that they can better fulfil their mission.

Impact is linking NGOs with potential funders too.  “We are helping the NGO sector to create income streams through businesses, fundraising and special events.” said Parker. 

But that’s not all Impact is doing.  Impact is able to represent NGOs, to be their voice, in contexts where they less able to do so themselves, such as in the business community, with governments and with potential funders. 

 Steven Parker, Impact’s Director, brings to the role a diverse set of skills from both the commercial and NGO worlds.  Having been in senior management in both of these areas he is well placed to understand the needs of both NGO’s and of their corporate sponsors.  And, being an Australian who has lived for nineteen plus years in Taiwan gives him a good understanding of the local and international environment. 

Along with many in the non-profit sector, Parker recognises that the social programme and policy environment in Taiwan has potential for growth, and will be one of the many voices calling for development in this area. 

When asked what is meant by a “profit for purpose” business, Parker said, "Our business is not based on maximising profits for shareholders.  Of course, we have to be viable, but we balance that with other, broader, goals; like building up the NGO sector.  As well as that, all the profits we make, beyond those needed to operate the business, are donated back into the not-for-profit sector". 

If you are an NGO looking for ways to develop capacity or a business looking for ways to develop your philanthropy programme, I think it could be well worth your while giving Steven Parker a call.  

Steven Parker’s phone number:  +886 988 061725
Email:  stevenparker@taiwanimpact.com 

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