29 August 2012

Managing volunteers is not like herding cats (despite what some managers will tell you)!

(This image: Source unknown)
I never cease to be amazed at the number of leaders, officers and social programme managers who will not use volunteers.  They insist that it is all too hard and it can’t possible work in their situation. 

Actually, nothing could be further from the truth.  In an NGO, there are very few situations (if any) that the contribution of volunteers will not enhance. 

But they do require managing in a different way to employees.  The usual assumptions about employment dynamics do not apply – and I think this is the real reason why some managers don’t want to take on volunteers.  It’s not about the situation; it’s about their willingness to change their management style. 

What are some of the differences and similarities between managing employees and volunteers? 

Managing Employees
Managing Volunteers
The relationship is defined by a financial arrangement
The relationship is defined by “soft” issues such as passion for the cause, loyalty to the leader, or desire to build experience and skills
Employees tends to be more stable and have lower turnover
Volunteers tends to be less stable and higher turnover
Most employees are full-time
Most volunteers are part-time
The manager’s ultimate leverage against poor performance is dismissal leading to financial loss 
Dismissal does not lead to financial loss, but will result in other losses
Long term employees are in danger of becoming ”ho-hum” about the work
Enthusiastic volunteers tend to inject a degree of passion and idealism into the workplace
Recruitment and retention is perceived to be easier because of the open employment market dynamics
Recruitment and retention is perceived to be more difficult because both the dynamics of the volunteer market and capacity of the applicants are somewhat hidden and poorly understood
Some employees do not need to be “sold” on the mission to function well and stay in the organisation
Volunteers need to be “sold’ on the mission to function well and to stay in the organisation
Employees’ motivation is strengthened by recognition and being entrusted with challenging tasks
Volunteers’ motivation is strengthened by recognition and being entrusted with challenging tasks
Some employees bring specialist skills, perspectives and experience to the work
Some volunteers bring specialist skills, perspectives and experience to the work
Employees have statutory rights under labour laws
Volunteers have some legal rights in most jurisdictions, but they also have the moral right to be treated with equity and fairness
Employees have the legal right to protection under equal opportunity and health and safety standards
Volunteers have the legal right to protection under equal opportunity and health and safety standards
Employees need a viable, fair and accessible grievance process
Volunteers need a viable, fair and accessible grievance process
It is generally perceived that there needs to be a smaller investment of the manager’s time and resources in reward and motivation activities
It is generally perceived that there needs to be a greater  investment of the manager’s time and resources in reward and motivation activities

What’s in it for me? 

Given all these differences (and not so many similarities), why should a leader employ volunteers?  Here are just some of the reasons why I love having volunteers in my team: 

ü  Volunteers bring a degree and passion and enthusiasm for the mission that we “full-timers” can sometimes lose,
ü  Volunteers bring fresh ideas, newness and are ready to question inefficiencies,
ü  Volunteers tend to be outside the office politics dynamic,
ü  Leaders and other team members are given the privilege of helping volunteers in their skills, career and personal development,
ü  Volunteers value-add capacity and competence to the team as a whole,
ü  Volunteers can provide a pool in which to fish for employees.

(This image from: FreeDigitalPhotos.net)
Are you convinced about using volunteers yet?  I hope so.  In my next post, I will share how easy it is to recruit, select, induct and manage volunteers, and I will provide some sample tools that you can adapt for your local setting. 

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